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Eugen Băican

Clădirea Mărăști, B-dul 21 Dec. 1989 Nr. 128, Cluj-Napoca
Program audiență​

Programări pe email: eugen.baican@ubbcluj.ro



Membru al unei echipe de cercetare:

  • Eugen Baican et al., Project Assesment – Social Services and Institutional Assesment, in the framework of USAID-ChildNet Progamme, financed by World Learning through Echosoc Foundation, Principess Margaret Foundation and Opportunity Associates, Romania, June 2002 – November 2002
  • Sorin Cace (Echosoc Foundation), Ioan Margineanu (Bucharest University and ICCV Bucharest) Eugen Baican (Babes-Bolyai Univ. and Echosoc Foundation), Florin Moisa (CRCR Cluj-Napoca) et al., Enhacing the Capcity of Rroma Comunitites in Selected Areas for the Witdrawal of Rroma Working Children from the Street and/or Other Hazardous Work, granted through Echosoc Foundation by The International Labour Organisation and International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour USA, Rom/99/05P/050, 2001-2002
  • Eugen Baican (expert and county level coord.), Abandonul scolar – determinatii actuale si tendinte evolutive, Dundamente pentru intervenţia socio-educationala, Florin Moisa, Sorin Cace, Eugen Baican et al.‘’School Abandon Children at Rroma People’’ proiect finanţat prin Megaproiectul Educatia 2000+ , Open Society Foundation, 2001.
  • Sorin Cace (Echosoc Foundation), Cristian Vladescu (Open Society Foundation – Bucharest), Eugen Baican (Babes-Bolyai Univ. and Echosoc Foundation), Daniel Arpinte (Echosc Foundation),Ana Maria Preoteasa (ICCV Bucharest), Tudor Pitulac (University Al. I. Cuza Iasi), The Health Status of Rroma Population and their Access to Health Care Services, granted through Echosoc Foundation by Open Society Institute – New York, 2002.

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Facultatea de Sociologie și Asistență Socială