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The Structure of Sexual Revolutions

iunie 25, 2019 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

In popular opinion, a heterosexual sexual revolution swept the United States in the 1960s, leading to a new openness about sexual relations and to the embrace of early sexual experience with multiple partners. This presentation questions this view. During the 1960s, sexual change came about at a modest pace. Also, claims of sexual revolution already had a long history by that time period. We will review those claims, and discuss the fundamental elements that might qualify changes in sexual relations as revolutionary. I make a case for an earlier, and quite different, revolution in the structure of American heterosexuality.

John Spurlock, PhD
Professor of History, Seton Hill University
Fulbright Scholar, 2005, Filosofski Fakultet, University of Montenegro

Marius Lazăr, PhD

More details about this event are available here: https://www.facebook.com/events/633479227151325/


iunie 25, 2019
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Categorie Eveniment:


Masteratul de Cercetare Sociologică Avansată

Loc de desfășurare

Clădirea Sociologica
str. Dostoievski (fosta Plugarilor), nr. 34
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
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Facultatea de Sociologie și Asistență Socială