Cristina Raț is lecturer at the Sociology Department of the Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania, teaching courses on class inequality and social policies. Between 2015-2023 she was chair of the Departament. Her research interest include the relation between social inequalities and welfare states, family policies, poverty and social exclusion, marginalized Roma communities, and precarious work. She earned her PhD at the Babeș-Bolyai University (2008) and holds an MA in Sociology from the Central European University – Warsaw office (2002). Between 2008 and 2016, she was executive editor of Studia Sociologia. She benefited from fellowships at the University of Oxford (2003-2004), IRES-CEPS (2007), and the Aleksanteri Institute Helsinki (2010).
Marti 10-12
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