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De la corporație la platformă: noi forme de muncă

Informații utile

Număr de credite: 3

Cod: ALR3427 

Predare: curs 2h

Limba de predare: română

Tip: disciplină opțională, semestrul 4, 6 nivel licenţă, specializarea Antropologie, Sociologie, Resurse Umane

1. Introducere

2. Istorii ale corporatiei

3. Corporatie si stat

4. Corporatie/plantatie

5. Munca si supraveghere

6. Raspundere si responsabilitate

7. Externalizare

8. Platforma

9. Munca gig si managementul algoritmic

10.  Studiu de caz: Amazon

11. Studiu de caz: Spotify

12. Automatizare si viitorul muncii


Bibliografie obligatorie:


Amrute, S. 2016. Encoding race, encoding class: Indian IT workers in Berlin. Durham: Duke University Press.

Atanasoski, Neda and Kalindi Vora. 2019. Automation and the Invisible Service Function: Toward an “Artificial Artificial Intelligence,” pp. 87-107. In Surrogate Humanity: Race, Robots and the Politics of Technological Futures. Durham: Duke University Press.

Baars, Grietje si Andre Spicer (eds). 2017. The Corporation: a multi-disciplinary handbook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Benanav, Aaron. 2020. The Automation Discourse. In Automation and the Future of Work. New York: Verso.

Bilic, P., Primorac, J. and Valtysson, B. 2018. Technology, labor and politics in the 21st century. In Technologies of labor and the politics of contradiction. London: Palgrave, pp. 1-16.

Callum, Cant. 2020. The warehouse without walls: A workers’ inquiry at Deliveroo. Ephemera 20(4): 131-161.

Chesta, Riccardo et all. 2019. Food delivery workers’ struggles in Italy. PACO 12(3): 819-844.

Collins, Jane. 2017. Benefit corporations: Reimagining corporate responsibility. In The Politics of Value. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

Current Anthropology, Vol. 52, No. S3, Corporate Lives: New Perspectives on the Social Life of the Corporate Form: Edited by Damani J. Partridge, Marina Welker, and Rebecca Hardin (Supplement to April 2011)

Dyer-Witherford, Nick; Atle Mikkola Kjosen; James Steinhoff. 2019. Introduction + Conclusion. Inhuman Power: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Capitalism. London: Pluto Press.

Gray, M. and Suri, S. 2019. Ghost labor: how to stop Silicon Valley from building a new global underclass. Boston: Harcourt.

Hardt, Michael. Munca afectiva http://idea.ro/revista/ro/article/XOggaRIAACAAfH-c/munca-afectiva

Hardy, J. and Hollinshead G. (2016) ‘Clouds’ in the desert: Central and Eastern Europe and Ukraine in the new division of labor for business services and software development. In J. Flecker, ed. Space, place and global digital work. London: Palgrave, pp. 83-103.

Holland, John. 2020. Amazon Inquiry. https://notesfrombelow.org/article/amazon-inquiry

Lazzarato, Maurizio si Antonio Negri: Munca imateriala si subiectivitate http://idea.ro/revista/ro/article/XOghChIAACEAfIJz/munca-imateriala-si-subiectivitate

Lovink, Geert. 2021. Notes on the platform condition, https://makingandbreaking.org/article/notes-on-the-platform-condition/

Murray Li, Tania si Pujo Semedi. 2022. Plantation Life: Corporate Occupation in Indonesia’s Oil Palm Zone. Durham: Duke University Press.

Peck, J. 2017. Offshore: Exploring the worlds of global outsourcing. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Prentice, Michael M. 2022. Supercorporate: Distinction and Participation in Post-hierarchy South Korea. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Ravenelle, Alexandra J. 2019. Hustle and Gig: Struggling and Surviving in the Sharing Economy [capitolele 4 si/sau 7]. University of California Press.

Schor, Juliet. 2020. Earning on the platforms [cap. 2]. After the gig: how the sharing economy got hijacked and how to win it back. University of California Press.

Seaver, Nick. 2022. Computing Taste: Algorithms and the Makers of Music Recommendation. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

Shestakofsky, B. 2017. Working Algorithms: Software Automation and the Future of Work. Work and Occupations, 44(4), 376–423.

Srnicek, Nick. 2017. Platform Capitalism [capitol 2]. London: Polity Press.

Stark, David and Ivana Pais. 2020. Algorithmic Management in the Platform Economy. Sociologica 14 (3).

Stern, P. J. 2011. The company-state : corporate sovereignty and the early modern foundation of the British Empire in India. New York, Oxford University Press.

Vallas, Steven and Juliet Schor. 2020. What do platforms do? Understanding the gig economy. Annual Review of Sociology 46 (16):1–22.

Weeks, John. 2004. Unpopular culture: The ritual of complaint in a British Bank. Chicago: Chicago University Press.



Bibliografie opţională

Aneesh, A. 2006. Virtual migration: The programming of globalization. Durham: Duke University Press.

Bastani, Aaron. 2019. Full Automation: Post-scarcity in labour. In Fully Automated Luxury Communism: A Manifesto, pp 69-93. NY: Verso

Biagioli, M. and Lepinay V. 2019. From Russia with code: Programming migrations in post-Soviet times. Durham: Duke University Press.

Chan, A. 2013. Networking peripheries: technological futures and the myth of digital universalism. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Huws, U. 2014. Labor in the global digital economy: The Cybertariat comes of age. New York: Monthly Review Press.

Kapferer, B. 2005. Introduction: Oligarchic corporations and new state formations. Social Analysis 49(1): 163-176.

Kasmir Sharryn si Lesley Gill (eds). 2022. The Routledge Handbook of the Anthropology of Labor. London: Routledge

Mitchell, T. 2013. Carbon Democracy: Political Power in The Age Of Oil. London; New York, Verso Books.

Moore, P. 2018. The quantified self in precarity: work, technology and what counts. London: Routledge.

Ross, A. 2004. No-collar: The humane workplace and its hidden costs. New York: Basic Books.


20% Referat (1000 cuvinte)

50% Eseu final (2000 cuvinte)

30% Teme si exercitii de seminar; participare la discutii; interventii complementare, critice, justificative; dezbateri; prezentari.

Obiectivul general al disciplinei: Intelegerea transformarilor organizationale si noile forme de munca ce apar odata cu trecerea de la modelul corporatiei la cel al platformei

Obiectivele specifice: Prezentarea celor doua modele – corporatie si platforma – precum si a diverselor lor forme. Relatia lor cu statul.

Aprofundarea unor procese si practici cheie precum externalizarea, relatia dintre tehnologie si munca, rapunderea si responsabilitatea corporata, management algoritmic, automatizare.

Reflectia asupra intersectiei dintre economie, politica si etica.

Dezvoltarea gandirii critice, abilitatilor analitice si comparative.


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