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Cercetare sociologică

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Număr de credite: 8

Cod: AMR0111

Predare: curs 2h

Limba de predare: română

Tip: obligatoriu, semestrul 1, Masterat Cercetare Sociologică Avansată


1. Reflexivitatea sociologica. Sociologia in campul academic.

 Texte principale:

Bourdieu, Pierre – Schita pentru o autoanaliza, Edtitura Art, Bucuresti, 2009 {integral}

Bourdieu, Pierre - Homo Academicus, pp 73-89, Bourdieu, P. (1988). Homo academicus. Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press


2. Stiinte sociale si periferializarea modernitatii

 Text principal:

Mitchell, Timothy (2000) 'The Stage of Modernity' in Mitchell, Timothy (ed.) Questions of Modernity, Minneapolis, University, pp. 1-34

3. Statutul cunoasterii sociologice in societatile postmoderne.


Text principal:

Lyotard, Jean-Francois – Conditia Postmoderna. Raport asupra cunoasterii. Editura Idea Design and Print, 2003 {integral}

4. Logica cercetarii stiintifice (rationalitatea discursului stiintific si critica pozitivismului social, re-orientarea istorica a filozofiei stiintei)

Texte principale

Popper, Karl (1998) Logica stiintelor sociale in „In cautarea unei lumi mai bune”, Editura Humanitas, Bucuresti (cap. 5 pp. 77-95)

Kuhn, Thomas (2008) Structura Revolutiilor Stiintifice, Editura Humanitas, Bucuresti (cap. IX pp. 157-175)

5. Paradigme sociologice ale actiunii sociale si societatii. Logica stiintelor sociale.

Texte principale:

Habermas, Jurgen (1981) - Relations to the World and Aspects of Rationality in Four Sociological Concepts of Action in The theory of communicative action, MIT Press, pp 75 - 101

 Habermas, Jurgen (1981) – Some Characteristics of the Mythical and the Modern Ways of Understanding of the World, in The theory of communicative action, MIT Press, pp. 43-74.


6. Cunoasterea etnografica multi-situata

Texte principale:

Clifford, James - Introduction: Partial Truths, in J. Clifford and G.E. Marcus. (eds) Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography, 1986, pp. 1–26

Marcus, G. E. - Ethnography in/of the World System: The Emergence of Multi-Sited Ethnography in Ethnography Through Thick & Thin. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998, pp. 79-104

7. Critica feminista in cadrul stiintelor sociale 

Text principal:

Haraway, D. (1988). Situated knowledges: The science question in feminism and the privilege of partial perspective. Feminist studies, 14 575-599

8. Abordari neo-marxiste in stiintele sociale

Text principal:

Burawoy, M. (2009). The extended case method: Four countries, four decades, four great transformations, and one theoretical tradition. Univ of California Press., pp. 198-244

9. Critica post-coloniala a stiintelor sociale

Text principal:

Spivak, G. C. (2003). Can the subaltern speak?. Die Philosophin, 14(27), 42-58

10. Tipologia cercetariilor sociale

 Texte principale

Chelcea, Septimiu (2004) Initiere in cercetarea sociologica, Editura Comunicare.ro, Bucuresti, (cap 5. Tipuri de cercetari socio-umana, pp. 89-104)

11. Problematica pluralismului metodologic. Problematica neturalitatii axiologice

Texte principale

Culic, Irina (2004) Metode avansate in cercetarea sociala, Editura Polirom, Iasi (cap.1 Metodologia cercetarii sociale pp. 15 -29)

12. Traditii metodologice I (Intentionalitatea si explicatia teleologica; problematica comprehensiunii in stiintele sociale si implicatiile metodologice: abordarile calitative.)

Texte principale

King, Gary; Keohane, Robert; Verba, Sidney (2000) – Fundamentele cerecetarii sociale, Ed. Polirom, Iasi (cap. 2 Inferenta descriptiva, pp. 45-69)

13. Traditii metodologice II: Inferenta explicativa ( Problematica cauzalitatii in stiintele sociale, tipuri de cauze, analiza statistica si implicatiile metodologice: abordarile cantitative.)

Texte principale

King, Gary; Keohane, Robert; Verba, Sidney (2000) – Fundamentele cerecetarii sociale, Ed. Polirom, Iasi (cap. 3 Cauzalitate si inferenta cauzala, pp. 78-109)

14. Curs recapitulativ: fundamentele epistemologice ale metodologiei cercetarii sociale



S1 – Tema 1

The Practice of Reflexive Sociology (The Paris Workshop) in Bourdieu, P. and L. J. D. Wacquant (1992). An invitation to reflexive sociology. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, pp. 217-260 

Critica ratiunii scolastice in Meditatii pacaliene, Editura Meridiane, Bucuresti, 2001, pp. 29-61

Tema 2

The titles of cultural nobility - Bourdieu, P. (1984). Distinction : a social critique of the judgement of taste. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, pp. 18-62

The Purpose of Reflexive Sociology (The Chicago Workshop) in Bourdieu, P. and L. J. D. Wacquant (1992). An invitation to reflexive sociology. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, pp. 61-115

Proiectie de film documentar:

La sociologie est un sport de combat - Pierre Bourdieu - de Pierre Carles, 148 min {selectii}

S2 – Texte principale:

Mitchell, Timothy (2000) 'The Stage of Modernity' in Mitchell, Timothy (ed.) Questions of Modernity, Minneapolis, University, pp. 1-34

Texte secundare:

Tema 1

a. Chakrabarty, Dipesh (2000) “Witness to Suffering: Domestic Cruelty and the Birth of the Modern Subject in Bengal” in Mitchell, Timothy (ed.) Questions of Modernity, Minneapolis, University, pp 49-86

Tema 2

Chakrabarty, Dipesh (2000) - The Two Histories of Capital in Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference, Princeton University Press, 2000, pp. 47-71

Alte texte:

Cuin, Charles-Henry (2002) Istoria sociologiei, Editura Institutul European, Iasi {cap1. De la fizica sociala la sociologie: descoperirea unui nou obiect de cunoastere (1790-1860) cap 2. Sociologia sau stiinta(e) sociala(e) O disciplina in cautarea identitatii (1860-1890) pp. 50-103}

Vlasceanu, Lazar (2007) Sociologie si modernitate. Tranzitii spre o modernitate reflexiva, Editura Polirom, Iasi, (cap1. Proiectul iluminist de societate si stiinta sociala, pp. 33-52)

Vlasceanu, Lazar (2007) Sociologie si modernitate. Tranzitii spre o modernitate reflexiva, Editura Polirom, Iasi, (cap2. Tranzitii in modernitate. Spre o noua societate si o noua stiinta sociala?, pp. 53-117)

 Crook, S. (1991). The Sociological Critique Of Modernist Radicalism in Modernist radicalism and its aftermath : foundationalism and and anti-foundationalism in radical social theory. London ; New York, Routledge, pp. 49-77

S3 – Tema 1

Harvey, David - Conditia Postmodernitatii, Editura Amarcord, Timisoara, 2002 {2 capitole la alegere}

Smart, Berry - Modernity, Post-modernity and the Present in Knowledge in a social world. New York, Clarendon Press, pp. 14-30

Tema 2

Connor, Steven – Cultura Postmoderna, Editura Meridiane, Bucuresti, 1999 {2 capitole la alegere}

Turner, Charles Lyotard and Weber. Postmodern rules and the Neo-kantian values - in Turner, B. S. (1990). Theories of modernity and postmodernity. London ; Newbury Park, Calif., Sage Publications, pp. 108-116

Alte texte:

Goldman, A. I. (1999). - Epistemology and Postmodern Resistance in Knowledge in a social world. New York, Clarendon Press, pp. 3-40

Smart, Berry – Postmodern Social Theory, in Turner, B. S. (2000). The Blackwell companion to social theory. Malden, Mass., Blackwell Publishers, pp. 447-480


S4 – Tema 1

Popper, Karl (1981) Logica cercetarii, Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, Bucuresti (cap 1,2 pp. 73 - 98)

Flonta, Mircea (1981) Despre radacinile istorice si destinul „Logicii Cercetarii” studiu introductiv la Popper, Karl - Logica cercetarii, Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, Bucuresti (pp. 13 - 53)

Tema 2

Newton-Smith, W. H. (1994) Rationalitatea stiintei , Editura Stiintifica (cap. 5, pp 134 - 158)

Kuhn, Thomas (2008) Structura Revolutiilor Stiintifice, Editura Humanitas, Bucuresti (cap. V, VI pp. 106-129)

Alte texte:

Theorists and historians in Burke, P. (2005). History and social theory. Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press, pp. 1-20

Burke, Peter – O istorie sociala a cunoasterii, Editura, Institutul European, Iasi, 2004, pp.15-58


S5 – Tema 1

Schnedalbach, Herbert - The transformation of critical theory, in Honneth, A. and H. Joas (1991). Communicative action : essays on Jürgen Habermas's The theory of communicative action. Cambridge, U.K., Polity Press., pp 7-22

Waranke, Georgia - Communicative rationality and cultural values – in The Cambridge Companion to Habermas, Cambridge, 1995, pp 120-142

Tema 2

MacInyre, Alasdair – The idea of the social science in Wilson, B. R. (1970). Rationality. Evanston [Ill.], Harper & Row, pp.112-130 

Lukes, Steven - Some problems about rationality in Wilson, B. R. (1970). Rationality. Evanston [Ill.], Harper & Row, pp 194-213

Texte suplimentare:

Winch, P. (2008). The idea of a social science and its relation to philosophy. London ; New York, Routledge, pp. 1-39

Habermas, J. (1988). On the logic of the social sciences. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press.


S6 – Tema 1

Spiro, Melford Postmodernist Anthropology, Subjectivity, and Science: A Modern Critique in 1996 Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 38, No.4:

Marcus, G. E. Sticking with Ethnography through Thick and Thin. In Ethnography through Thick and Thin. G. Marcus, ed. Pp. 231-253. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press in Ethnography Through Thick & Thin. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998, pp. 79-104

Tema 2

Rosaldo, Renato. Culture & Truth: The Remaking of Social Analysis. Boston: Beacon Press, 1989, pp. “The Erosion of Classic Norms” + “After Objectivism” pp. 25-77

Rughinis, Cosima (2007) Explicatia sociologica, Ed. Polirom, Iasi (cap. 5 Individul ca jucator strategic – perspectiva alegerii rationale, pp. 125-148)


S7 – Texte secundare

Tema 1

Butler, Judith. Gender trouble: Feminism and the subversion of identity, Routledge, 2011. , pp. 1-34

Tema 2

Oakley, A. (2015). Sex, Gender and Society. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 158-168

S8 – Tema 1

Wright, Erik (2015). Understanding Class. London New York: Verso., pp. 1-18

Tema 2

Wood, E. M. (1989). Rational choice Marxism: Is the game worth the candle?. New Left Review, 177(September–October), 41-88.

Alte texte 

Erik Wolf - Europa si populatiile fara istorie, cap. 1 Introducere; cap. 3 Moduri de productie; partea a III – Capitalismul, cap. 9-12, Ed. Arc, Chisinau, 2001 [p.1-23; 72-100; 258-379] 


S9 – Texte secundare:

Tema 1

Morris, Rosalind, ed. Can the subaltern speak?: Reflections on the history of an idea. Columbia University Press, 2010.

Tema 2

Go, Julian. "For a postcolonial sociology." Theory and Society 42, no. 1 (2013): 25-55


S10 – Tema 1

Chelcea, Septimiu (2004) Initiere in cercetarea sociologica, Editura Comunicare.ro, Bucuresti, (cap 2. Probleme metodologice in cercetarile socio-umane empirice, pp. 31-60)

King, Gary; Keohane, Robert; Verba, Sidney (2000) – Fundamentele cerecetarii sociale, Ed. Polirom, Iasi (Cap. 1 Stiinta din stiintele sociale pp. 17 - 44)

Tema 2

King, Ronald (2005) Strategia cercetarii, Editura Polirom, Iasi, (cap. 3 Consideratii asupra stiintelor sociale: este posibila o stiinta a societatii umane? pp. 47 - 69 )

Zygmund Bauman (2008) Gandirea sociologica, Editura Humanitas, Bucuresti (cap. 10 Gandirea sociologica pp. 233-256)


S 11- Tema 1

Rughinis, Cosima (2007) Explicatia sociologica, Ed. Polirom, Iasi (cap. 8 Erori in explicarea sociologica, pp. 209-224)

Weber, Max (2001) Teorie si metoda in stiintele culturii, Editura Polirom, Iasi - Sensul neutralitatii axiologice in stiintele sociologice si economice, pp 133-180)


Habermas, Jurgen (1983) Cunoastere si comunicare, Editura Politica, Bucuresti (Cunoastere si interes pp.121 – 141)

Hollis, Martin (2001) Introducere in filosofia stiintelor sociale, Editura Trei, Bucuresti, (cap. 10 Stiinte sociale valoric neutre? pp 192 - 211 )


 S12 – Tema 1

von Wright, Georg Henrik (1995)- Explicatie si intelegere, Editura Humanitas, Bucuresti (Cap. 3 Intentionalitate si explicatie teleologica pp. 98 – 141)

Riedel Manfred (1989) Comprehensiune sau explicare? Despre teoria si istoria stiintelor hermeneutice, Editura Dacia, Cluj-Napoca (cap. IV, pp. 139-161)


Ilut Petru (1997) Abordarea calitativa a socioumanului, Editura Polirom, Iasi (cap 1.4 Orientarea calitativista pp. 42 - 73 )

Mihailescu, Vintila (2007) Antropologie. Cinci introduceri, Editura Polirom, Iasi (cap. 3 – Privirea antropologica si constructiile omului, pp. 47 - 134)


S13 – Texte principale

King, Gary; Keohane, Robert; Verba, Sidney (2000) – Fundamentele cerecetarii sociale, Ed. Polirom, Iasi (cap. 3 Cauzalitate si inferenta cauzala, pp. 78-109)

Tema 1

von Wright, Georg Henrik (1995) - Explicatie si intelegere, Editura Humanitas, Bucuresti (Cap. 3 Cauzalitate si explicatie cauzala pp. 54 – 97)

Riedel Manfred (1989) Comprehensiune sau explicare? Despre teoria si istoria stiintelor hermeneutice, Editura Dacia, Cluj-Napoca (cap. V, pp. 162-187)


Rughinis, Cosima (2007) Explicatia sociologica, Ed. Polirom, Iasi (cap. 7 Testarea statistica a explicatiilor ipotetice pp 177 – 208)

Rotariu Traian [Ed.] (1999) Metode statistice aplicate in stiintele sociale (cap. 2 Caracteristici (variabile) statistice, pp 23 - 41)


S14 – seminar recapitulativ


Bibliografie obligatorie:

Bourdieu, Pierre - Homo Academicus, pp 73-89, Bourdieu, P. (1988). Homo academicus. Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press


Bourdieu, Pierre – Schita pentru o autoanaliza, Edtitura Art, Bucuresti, 2009


Burawoy, M. (2009). The extended case method: Four countries, four decades, four great transformations, and one theoretical tradition. Univ of California Press


Butler, Judith. Gender trouble: Feminism and the subversion of identity, Routledge, 201


Chakrabarty, Dipesh (2000) - The Two Histories of Capital in Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference, Princeton University Press, 2000


Chelcea, Septimiu (2004) Initiere in cercetarea sociologica, Editura Comunicare.ro, Bucuresti, (cap 2. Probleme metodologice in cercetarile socio-umane empirice,


Clifford, James - Introduction: Partial Truths, in J. Clifford and G.E. Marcus. (eds) Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography, 1986


Connor, Steven – Cultura Postmoderna, Editura Meridiane, Bucuresti, 1999


Culic, Irina (2004) Metode avansate in cercetarea sociala, Editura Polirom, Iasi


Habermas, J. (1988). On the logic of the social sciences. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press.


Haraway, D. (1988). Situated knowledges: The science question in feminism and the privilege of partial perspective. Feminist studies, 14 575-599.


Harvey, David - Conditia Postmodernitatii, Editura Amarcord, Timisoara, 2002


Hollis, Martin (2001) Introducere in filosofia stiintelor sociale, Editura Trei, Bucuresti


King, Gary; Keohane, Robert; Verba, Sidney (2000) – Fundamentele cerecetarii sociale, Ed. Polirom, Iasi


King, Ronald (2005) Strategia cercetarii, Editura Polirom, Iasi


Kuhn, Thomas (2008) Structura Revolutiilor Stiintifice, Editura Humanitas, Bucuresti


Lyotard, Jean-Francois – Conditia Postmoderna. Raport asupra cunoasterii. Editura Idea Design and Print, 2003


MacInyre, Alasdair – The idea of the social science in Wilson, B. R. (1970). Rationality. Evanston [Ill.], Harper & Row, pp.112-130

Marcus, G. E. - Ethnography in/of the World System: The Emergence of Multi-Sited Ethnography in Ethnography Through Thick & Thin. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998


Mihailescu, Vintila (2007) Antropologie. Cinci introduceri, Editura Polirom, Iasi


Mitchell, Timothy (2000) 'The Stage of Modernity' in Mitchell, Timothy (ed.) Questions of Modernity, Minneapolis, University


Newton-Smith, W. H. (1994) Rationalitatea stiintei , Editura Stiintifica


Oakley, A. (2015). Sex, Gender and Society. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 158-168


Popper, Karl (1981) Logica cercetarii, Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, Bucuresti


Rotariu Traian [Ed.] (1999) Metode statistice aplicate in stiintele sociale


Rughinis, Cosima (2007) Explicatia sociologica, Ed. Polirom, Iasi


Smart, Berry – Postmodern Social Theory, in Turner, B. S. (2000). The Blackwell companion to social theory. Malden, Mass., Blackwell Publishers


Spiro, Melford Postmodernist Anthropology, Subjectivity, and Science: A Modern Critique in 1996 Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 38, No.4:


Spivak, G. C. (2003). Can the subaltern speak?. Die Philosophin, 14(27), 42-58.


Winch, P. (2008). The idea of a social science and its relation to philosophy. London ; New York, Routledge


Wright, Erik (2015). Understanding Class. London New York: Verso


Zygmund Bauman (2008) Gandirea sociologica, Editura Humanitas, Bucuresti




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