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Workshop – STAR UBB

octombrie 30, 2020 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

În cadrul burselor STAR UBB, avem plăcerea de a vă invita la workshop-urile susținute de către d-na Diana Galoș, dr. Universitatea din Konstanz

VINERI, 30 OCTOMBRIE 2020, 18.00 

Why Do Social Origins Still Matter? New Mechanisms of Privilege Maintenance on the Labour Market


Why do the sons and daughters of a shop assistant still fail to achieve the same labor market outcomes as the sons and daughters of a doctor, even if they have the same level of education? Education is perceived as the main channel to achieve social mobility by equalizing the chances of individuals in society. However, there is still a close relationship between an individual’s social origins and their socioeconomic attainment and this relationship is maintained through various channels. A major critique of previous studies is that university education has not been measured adequately, and if the quality of higher education was measured properly, the effect of social origin would disappear. In this presentation, I address this shortcoming in measurement, and I present four mechanisms of how social advantage reproduces among highly educated individuals. I show that the effects of social origins persist and I consider why upper class graduates have better labor market outcomes than lower class graduates. In trying to understand how inequality is reproduced among university graduates, I investigate quality differences in higher education, elite higher education institutions, compensatory advantage, and internal migration.

VINERI, 6 NOIEMBRIE 2020, 18.00

Persistent Inequality: Male Bonus and Female Penalty in Employment


Unequal gender outcomes in occupational success unravel through different channels in higher education. Using a comprehensive dataset that accounts for 80% of Italian graduates and 98 fields of study, I investigate whether men and women receive similar returns in employment and income when choosing the same field of study, net of academic curriculum and occupation.  Two complementary perspectives are applied to the topic by relying on Kanter’s theory of relative numbers and the status theory of gender, therefore examining both the quantitative and qualitative differences between fields. The results show that the higher share of women in fields of study is not necessarily associated with better outcomes: the most gender ‘balanced’ subfields of study are the most unequal in terms of income and employment. Separate analyses show that the status of the fields does interact with the gender composition and the gender gap in employment and income is particularly pronounced in nurturing fields, even though they are perceived to appeal to the ‘natural’ abilities of women. Moreover, the structural advantage of men in these fields stands out at the same degree in both employment and income.

Susținerile vor fi în limba engleză, dar discuția va putea continua și în limba română.


Diana Galoș, PhD, este cercetător postdoctorand la universitatea din Konstanz, Germania. A obținut doctoratul la European University Institute din Florența și a fost cercetător postdoctorand la Universitatea din Yale, SUA. A obținut un master în sociologie de la Universitatea din Oxford și licența la Universitatea Goldsmiths din Londra. Este specializată în teme precum inegalitate și stratificare, educație, gen, migrație și discriminare. În prezent dna Galoș are o bursă STAR UBB.  


octombrie 30, 2020
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
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Facultatea de Sociologie și Asistență Socială