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Sociologie istorică comparată

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Predare: curs 2h

Limba de predare: Română

Tip: curs opțional, licență, Antropologie, Sociologie

1 Introducere

2. Discutam textul: Mann, Michael. 1994. “In Praise of Macro-Sociology: A Reply to Goldthorpe.” British Journal of Sociology 45:37–54.

3. Sa citim un istoric contemporan. Geary, Patrick J. 2021. Phantoms of Remembrance: Memory and Oblivion at the End of the First Millennium. Princeton University Press. Introduction, pag.3-22

4. O buna introducere in disciplina: Mahoney, James, and Dietrich Rueschemeyer. 2012. “Comparative Historical Analysis: Achievements and Agendas.” Pp. 3–38 in Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences. Cambridge University Press.

5. Un studiu exemplar: Mann, Michael. 2003. Incoherent Empire. London ; Verso, capitolul "The military giant," p 18-49

6. Inapoi la teorie: Ragin, Charles C. 2014. The Comparative Method : Moving beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies : With a New Introduction / Charles Ragin. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, cap. 1 The distinctiveness of comparative social science, pag 1-18.

7. Un clasic: Skocpol, Theda. 1979. States and Social Revolutions : A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia, and China / Theda Skocpol. Cambridge ; Cambridge University Press., cititi p. 3-43

8. O analiza exemplara - Tilly, Charles. 1984. Big Structures, Large Processes, Huge Comparisons. Russell Sage Foundation. citi paginile: 10-15, 60-65, 74-91

9. Despre comparatii: Skocpol, Theda, and Margaret Somers. 1980. “The Uses of History in Macrosocial Inquiry.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 22:174–97

10. O perspectiva prin prisma metodelor cantitative: Western, Bruce. 1995. “A Comparative Study of Working-Class Disorganization: Union Decline in Eighteen Advanced Capitalist Countries.” American Sociological Review 60(2):179–201.

11. O comparatie istorica: Anderson, Perry. 2013. Lineages of the Absolutist State. London: Verso, cap. 2 "Class and state, problems of periodization" pag. 43-59

12. Sa ne aplecam asupra unui fenomen romanesc: Mann, Michael. 2004. Fascists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,  capitolul 8 "The Romanian Family of Authoritarians"

13. Brubaker, Rogers, and Margit Feischmidt. 2002. “1848 in 1998: The Politics of Commemoration in Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia.” Comparative Studies in Society and History – 44 (04)

14. Maynes, Mary Jo. 1995. Taking the Hard Road : Life Course in French and German Workers’ Autobiographies in the Era of Industrialization. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, cap 1, pag 1-30

Bibliografie obligatorie: 

Anderson, Perry. 2013. Lineages of the Absolutist State. London: Verso.

Brubaker, Rogers, and Margit Feischmidt. 2002. “1848 in 1998: The Politics of Commemoration in Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia.” Comparative Studies in Society and History – 44 (04) doi: 10.1017/S0010417502000336.

Geary, Patrick J. 2021. Phantoms of Remembrance: Memory and Oblivion at the End of the First Millennium. Princeton University Press.

Mahoney, James, and Dietrich Rueschemeyer. 2012. “Comparative Historical Analysis: Achievements and Agendas.” Pp. 3–38 in Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences. Cambridge University Press.

Mann, Michael. 1994. “In Praise of Macro-Sociology: A Reply to Goldthorpe.” British Journal of Sociology 45:37–54.

Mann, Michael. 2003. Incoherent Empire. London ; Verso.

Mann, Michael. 2004. Fascists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Maynes, Mary Jo. 1995. Taking the Hard Road : Life Course in French and German Workers’ Autobiographies in the Era of Industrialization. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.

Ragin, Charles C. 2014. The Comparative Method : Moving beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies : With a New Introduction / Charles Ragin. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.

Skocpol, Theda. 1979. States and Social Revolutions : A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia, and China / Theda Skocpol. Cambridge ; Cambridge University Press.

Skocpol, Theda, and Margaret Somers. 1980. “The Uses of History in Macrosocial Inquiry.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 22:174–97. doi: 10.1017/S0010417500009282.

Tilly, Charles. 1984. Big Structures, Large Processes, Huge Comparisons. Russell Sage Foundation.

Western, Bruce. 1995. “A Comparative Study of Working-Class Disorganization: Union Decline in Eighteen Advanced Capitalist Countries.” American Sociological Review 60(2):179–201.

Bibliografie opţională

Moore, Barrington. 1967. Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy : Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World / by Barrington Moore, Jr. Boston: Beacon Press.


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Obiectivul general al disciplinei: Aprofundarea conceptelor specific ale Sociologiei Istorice Comparate

Obiectivele specifice: Insusirea critica a dimensiunii metodologice care e specifica metodei comparative in sociologie si cunoasterea contributiilor autorilor fundamentali ai disciplinei

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