Număr de credite: 8
Cod: AME0110
Predare: curs: 2h, seminar: 1h
Limba de predare: Engleză
Tip: curs principal, semestrul 1, Masteratul Managementul Strategic al Resurselor Umane
1. Introduction to the subject of the discipline. Presentation of topic and objectives. Bibliographic resources. Presentation of requirements for students' activities during the semester and evaluation criteria
2. The challenges of social research. The constitutive dimensions of scientific knowledge: rationality and empirical verification. Scientific research of the social: monism and methodological dualism. Epistemological and ontological aspects associated with positivist and interpretative approaches. Strategies and research methods associated with the two approaches.
4. Quantitative and qualitative in social research. The nature of quantitative and qualitative researches. Quantitative-qualitative divide.
5. Measurement in social research. From concept to measurement. Features, utility, limits. Typologies, indexes, scales: definition, examples, design.
6. Quantitative research methods: survey, structured observation, content analysis. Defining features, advantages and limits
7. Qualitative research methods: interview, focus groups, participant observation, case study. Defining features, advantages and limits.
8. Documents as sources of data. Personal vs. official documents. Interpreting documents. Qualitative content analysis. Semiotics and hermeneutics.
9. Methods of social impact assessment. Social impact: conceptualization, definitions. Types of effects and consequences of social intervention projects. Design of social impact assessment research: stages, research questions, analysis units, choice of indicators and evaluation criteria, specific problems.
10. Challenges and stakes in current social research. Redefines of the ways of knowledge commonly practiced in the field of discipline. Big data and multiplication of data collection methods
1. Introduction. Presentation of topic and objectives. Bibliographic resources. Presentation of requirements for students' activities during the semester and evaluation criteria.
2. The stages of sociological research. Planning a research project and formulating research questions. Research designs. Factors influencing the choice of methods. The requirement of fidelity and validity. Delimitation of the study universe.
3. Designing research methods and research instruments: survey, structured observation, content analysis, interview, focus groups, participant observation, case study.
4. Presenting and discussing individual/team search projects
Earl Babbie (2013), The Practice of Social Research, Wadsworth.
Bryman, Alan. (2012), Social Research Methods, Oxford University Press
Creswell, John W. (2013), Research Design, Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed method Approach, Sage
Neuman W. Lawrence (2013), Social Research Methods: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches, Pearson Education Limite
Snee,Helene, Hine,Christine, Morey, Yvette, Roberts, S., Watson, H. (2016), Digital Methods for Social Science: An Interdisciplinary Guide to Research Innovation, Palgrave MacMillan
10% Continuos assessment
40% Exam
20% Continuos assessment
30% Colloquium
General objective of the course: Familiarizing students with the main theoretical and practical aspects associated with quantitative and qualitative methodologies, with a special emphasis on highlighting the specifics of these approaches, the advantages and limitations specific to each method.
Specific objective of the course: Students will be able to analyze and evaluate the methods and research used in real research project, to design research methodologies and develop research tools, to collect and analyze social data.
Acest curs se studiază în următoarele programe:
B-dul 21 Dec. 1989 Nr. 128, Cluj-Napoca 400604
+ 40-264-42.46.74
+ 40-264-41.99.58
+ 40-264-42.46.74