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Antropologie economică

Informații utile

Număr de credite: 6

Cod: ALR3319

Predare: curs 2h, seminar 2h

Limba de predare: Română

Tip: curs principal, semestrul 3, licență, Antropologie

Regim opţional: materie opțională pentru Sociologie și Resurse umane

1 Introducerea cursului

2 Ce este antropologia economica?

3 Schimb si dar: reciprocitate

4 Economie politica I: Marea Transformare

5 Economie politica II: Sistemul-lume. Globalizare.

6 Banii: criza financiara

7 Proprietate si deposedare

8 Productie si reproducere sociala. Clasa, gen, rasa si rudenie

9 Externalizarea productiei: capitalismul logistic

10 Valoare

11 Munca pe platforma. Capitalismul digital

12 Consumul (etic)

13 Capitalismul verde: criza climatica

14 Recapitulare si concluzii

Bibliografie obligatorie:


Bear, Laura Karen HoAnna Tsing si Sylvia Yanagisako. 2015. Gens: A Feminist Manifesto for the Study of Capitalism, https://culanth.org/fieldsights/gens-a-feminist-manifesto-for-the-study-of-capitalism.

Campbell, Stephen. 2020. Debt collection as labour discipline: the work of finance in a Myanmar squatter settlement. Social Anthropology, pp. 1-14.

Carrier, James. 2014. Introduction. In Ethical Consumption, ed. James Carrier si Peter G. Luetchford. Berghahn Books.

Chan, Jenny et all. 2020. Dying for an iPhone: Apple, Foxconn and the lives of China’s workers. Haymarket Books.

Crawford, Kate si Vladan Joler. 2018. Anatomy of an AI System. https://anatomyof.ai/

Dunn, Elizabeth C. 2008. Postsocialist Spores: Disease, bodies, and the state in the Republic of Georgia. American Ethnologist 35 (2): 243-258.

Fiege, Mark. 2005. The Weedy West: Mobile Nature, Boundaries, and Common Space in the

Montana Landscape. The Western Historical Quarterly 36 (1): 23-47.

Fraser, Nancy si Rahel Jaeggi. 2018. Capitalism: a conversation in critical theory. Cambridge, UK: Polity.

Graeber, David. 2020. Datoria. Primii 5000 de ani. Bucuresti: Editura ART.

Graeber, David si Wengrow, David. 2018. How to change the course of human history. Eurozine, https://www.eurozine.com/change-course-human-history/

Gray, Mary si S. Suri. 2019. Introduction & Humans in the Loop. In Ghost Work: How to Stop Silicon Valley from Building a New Global Underclass. Boston, Mass: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Irani, Lilly. 2019. Chasing Innovation: Making Entrepreneurial Citizens in Modern India. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Jones, Phil. 2021. Refugees help power machine learning. https://restofworld.org/2021/refugees-machine-learning-big-tech/

Kalb, Don. 2005. “Bare Legs Like Ice”: Recasting Class for Local/Global Inquiry. In Critical Junctions, ed. D. Kalb si H. Tak. Berghahn Books.

Leroy, Justin si Destin Jenkins. 2021. Introduction. Histories of Racial Capitalism, pp. 1-26. Durham: Duke UP.

Mankekar, Purnima si Akhil Gupta. 2019. The missed period : disjunctive temporalities and the work of capital in an Indian BPO. American Ethnologist 46 (4): 417-428.

Marx, Karl. Fetisismul marfurilor. Capitol 1, sectiunea 4 in Capital, vol. 1.


Mauss, Marcel. 1997. Capitolele 1 (pp. 54-77) + 2 (sectiunea III, pp. 107-157). In Eseu despre dar. Iasi: Polirom.

Murray Li, Tania. 2014. Enclosure. In Land's End: Capitalist Relations on the Indigenous Frontier. Duke University Press, pp. 84-114.

Polanyi, Karl. 2013. Marea Transformare. Cluj: Editura Tact.

Posner, Miriam. 2018. See No Evil. Logic Magazine No. 4.

Rajkovic, Ivan (forum editor). 2020. Green capitalism and its others. https://culanth.org/fieldsights/series/green-capitalism-and-its-others

Vallas, Steven, si Juliet B. Schor. 2020. What Do Platforms Do? Understanding the Gig Economy. Annual Review of Sociology 46 (1): 273–94.

Wallerstein, Immanuel. 2013. Pentru a intelege lumea. O introducere in analiza sistemelor-lume. Cluj: Idea.

Wallis, Mira. 2021. Digital labor and social reproduction: crowdwork in Germany and Romania. Spheres – Journal for Digital Cultures 6: 1-14.

Zimmerman, Hiedi. 2017. Becoming Ethical: Mediated Pedagogies of Global Consumer Citizenship. Journal of Consumer Culture, pp. 1-18.

Wolf, Eric. 1982. The fur trade. In Europe and the people without history, pp. 158-194.


Bibliografie opţională

Appadurai, Arjun.1990. Disjuncture and difference in the global cultural economy. Public Culture 2(2): 1-24.

Appel, Hannah. 2019. Offshore. In The licit life of capitalism: US Oil in Equatorial Guinea, pp. 37-77. Durham: Duke UP.

Atanasoski, Neda and Kalindi Vora. 2019. Automation and the Invisible Service Function: Toward an “Artificial Artificial Intelligence,” pp. 87-107. In Surrogate Humanity: Race, Robots and the Politics of Technological Futures. Durham: Duke University Press

Ban, Cornel. 2013. Postfata. In Marea Transformare. Cluj: Editura Tact.

Chesta, Riccardo et all. 2019. Food delivery workers’ struggles in Italy. PACO 12(3): 819-844.

Collins, Jane. 2016. Expanding the labor theory of value. Dialectical Anthropology 40:103–123.

Cowen, Deborah. 2014. Introduction: The Citizenship of Stuff in the Global Social Factory. In The Deadly Life of Logistics: Mapping Violence in Global Trade, pp. 1-21. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Federici, Silvia. 2019. Commons against and beyond capitalism. In Re-enchanting the World: Feminism and the Politics of the Commons. PM Press.

Ferguson, James. 2015. A rightful share: distribution beyond gift and market. In Give a man a fish: Reflections on the new politics of distribution, pp. 150-189. Durham: Duke UP.

Guest, Peter. 2021. Global Gig Workers. https://restofworld.org/2021/gig-workers-around-the-world-are-finally-organizing/

Guyer, Jane; Keith Hart; Jane; Alfred Hornborg; Gillian Tett; Richard Wilk. 2017. The Symposium: How can economic anthropology contribute to a more just world. Economic Anthropology 4 (1): 144–155.

Hart, Keith si Horacio Ortiz. 2014. The anthropology of money and finance. Annual Review of Anthropology 43:465-482.

Harvey, David. 2003. Accumulation by dispossession. In The New Imperialism, pp. 137-182.

Maurer, Bill et all. 2018. Social Payments: Innovation, Trust, Bitcoin, and the Sharing Economy. Theory, Culture and Society 35(3): 13-33.

Mezzadra, Sandro. 2021. Intersectionality, identity and the riddle of class. http://www.euronomade.info/?p=14609&fbclid=IwAR1kYjwlq5bPWjXd21dqXJY0C-x2O-Kjz_wyF24CWACqo9y7sNsGodZd3eo

Mezzadri, Alessandra. 2021. A Value theory of inclusion: Informal labour, the homeworker and the social reproduction of value. Antipode 53(4): 1186-1205.

Moore, Jason W. 2016. The rise of cheap nature. In Anthropocene or Capitalocene? Nature, History, and the Crisis of Capitalism, pp. 78-115. PM Press.

Pietz, William. 1985. The problem of the fetish I. Res 9: 5-17.

Prentice, Rebecca. 2019. ‘Just compensation? The price of death and injury after the Rana Plaza garment factory collapse.’ Research in Economic Anthropology 39: 157-178.

Roberts, Sarah T. 2021. Your AI is a Human. In Your Computer is on Fire, pp. 51-70. MIT Press.

Stallybrass, Peter. 1997. Marx’s Coat. In Border Fetishisms: Material Objects in Unstable Spaces, ed. Patria Spyer. London: Routledge.

Tett, Gillian. 2021. Anthro-Vision. New York: Avid Reader Press.

Tsing, Anna. 2009. Supply Chains and the Human Condition. Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture and Society 21, no. 2.

Wilk, Richard si Lisa Cligget. 2007. Economic Anthropology: an undisciplined discipline. In Economies and cultures, pp. 1-29. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.


70 % eseu final (2500 cuvinte)

NB. Pentrul cursul optional: eseu final (2000 cuvinte) cu pondere 100% din nota finala.


30% teme si exercitii de seminar; participare la discutii; interventii complementare, critice, justificative; dezbateri; prezentari

Obiectivul general al disciplinei:

Studierea temelor, conceptelor, abordarilor si dezbaterilor centrale in antropologia economica.

Obiectivele specifice:

Aprofundarea unor notiuni cheie precum schimb, reciprocitate, distributie si re-distributie, productie, reproducere sociala, bani, consum, munca, valoare.

Intelegerea unor procese precum comodificare, globalizare, postsocialism, externalizare; financializare si criza financiara; digitalizare; criza climatica.

Abordarea capitalismului dincolo de economie, ca si proces istoric cu valente diferite (de ex., logistic, digital, verde) si ca proces social si cultural (prin prisma dezbaterilor legate de clasa, gen, rasa si rudenie).

Reflectia asupra intersectiei dintre economic si etic.

Dezvoltarea gandirii critice, abilitatilor analitice si comparative.

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