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The doctoral studies represent the third cycle of studies offered by Babeş-Bolyai University with the purpose of expanding knowledge through original scientific research. They allow the acquisition of a level 8 qualification according to The European Qualifications Framework and to The National Qualifications Framework. Doctoral School of Sociology functions withing the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work and offers doctoral program in Sociology.

The doctoral program is scheduled for a period of 3 years (6 semesters) and includes:

  • a training program based on advanced academic studies, carried out in a doctoral school and composed of activities performed in institutionalized study groups (30ECTS);
  • an individual program of scientific research/artistic creation;
  • public defense of 3 research reports in front of the Guidance and academic integrity committee;
  • public defense of the doctoral thesis
  • fulfilling the national minimum standards established by CNATCDU through Anexa 25 a OMEN 5110/2018 in the area of Sociology

The curriculum for the 2022-2023 academic year includes 3 classes:

  • Methodological and Ethical Foundations in Social Sciences – Prof. dr. Petru Iluț, 9 March, time 16.00, the building on Plugarilor str.  n0. 34, room 8, e-mail: ilutpetru45@gmail.com
  • Social Impact Assessment – Prof. dr. Dan Chiribucă, Prof. dr. Mircea Comșa, 7 March, time 17.00, the building on Plugarilor str.  n0. 34, office 2, e-mail: dan.chiribuca@ubbcluj.ro, mircea.comsa@ubbcluj.ro
  • Quantitative Methods in Analysing Social Structures – Prof. dr. Veres Valér, Prof. dr. István Horváth, 6 March, time 16.00, the building on Plugarilor str.  n0. 34, room 14, e-mail: veres.valer@ubbcluj.ro, istvan.horvath@ubbcluj.ro

As per OMEN 3131/2018 the contents regarding ethics and academic integrity are included in the class Methodological and Ethical Foundations in Social Sciences.

Also, Babeș-Bolyai University supports and implements European Doctorate as an effort for internationalization and improving the quality of the doctoral programs. http://news.ubbcluj.ro/ubb-implementeaza-doctoratul-european/

Further information about the doctoral program may be accessed here: https://doctorat.ubbcluj.ro/eng/the-organization-of-the-doctoral-studies/

Activities in the doctoral program are carried by faculty members and affiliated staff with prestigious activity both nationally and internationally.

Habilitation is the process that certifies the right to coordinate PhD thesis in a specific field. The habilitation process is regulated by the UBB (https://doctorat.ubbcluj.ro/ro/abilitarea/). Upon receiving the certificate form the Ministry of Education, the candidate addresses the doctoral school. In order to be accepted, he/she must comply to the requirements set in the UBB Decision no. 21244/23.10.2017.

Additional information regarding the habilitation process is here: https://doctorat.ubbcluj.ro/ro/abilitarea/

PhD coordinators

prof. dr. Albert-Lőrincz Enikő (joint supervision)
prof. abil. dr. Chiribucă Dan
prof. abil. dr. Comșa Mircea
prof. abil. dr. Culic Irina
prof. abil. dr. Mureșan Cornelia (joint supervision)
prof. abil. dr. Pantea Maria Carmen
prof. dr. Roth Maria (în cotutelă)
prof. abil. dr. Veres Valér
prof. abil. dr. Dégi László Csaba
conf. abil. dr. Iovu Mihai-Bogdan

Council of studies

prof. dr. Dégi László Csaba (Doctoral School Director)
prof. dr. Valér Veres
conf. dr. Mihai-Bogdan Iovu
prof. dr. István Horváth
drd. Eleonora Dobre (Dincă)

Affiliate members

prof. dr. Bădescu Gabriel, prof. dr. Bălaș Delia, prof. dr. Benedek József, prof. dr. Horváth István, prof. dr. Hosu Ioan, prof. dr. Iluț Petru, prof. dr. Marian Cosmin, prof. dr. Opre Adrian, prof. dr. Popescu Livia, prof. dr. Rotariu Traian, prof. dr. Szentágotai Aurora, prof. dr. Vincze Enikő, conf. dr. Antal Imola, conf. dr. Baciu Cristina, conf. dr. Balogh Márton, conf. dr. Berszán Lidia, conf. dr. Gal Denizia, conf. dr. Hărăguș Paul Teodor, conf. dr. Lazăr Marius, conf. dr. Magyari Tivadar, conf. dr. Müller-Fábián Andrea, conf. dr. Neamțu Nicoleta, conf. dr. Rebeleanu Adina, conf. dr. Szabó Béla, conf. dr. Troc Gabriel, conf. dr. Ungvári-Zrinyi Imre, lect. dr. Csata Zsombor, lect. dr. Dávid-Kacsó Ágnes, lect. dr. Faludi Cristina, lect. dr. Gog Sorin, lect. dr. Goina Călin, lect. dr. Kiss Dénes, lect. dr. László Éva, lect. dr. Petrovici Norbert, lect. dr. Péter László, lect. dr. Pop Forina, lect. dr. Raț Cristina, lect. dr. Rusu Dan, lect. dr. Simionca Anca, CS II dr. Hărăguș Mihaela

The PhD program is normally structured for 3 years. If by the end of the doctoral program the PhD student does not defend the thesis he/she can extend the duration of the program for a maximum of 4 years (law 49/2013), with the agreement of the PhD coordinator. 
During the entre doctoral program, PhD students are active members of the doctoral school by involvement in teaching and research projects carried by the departments.
During 2023-2024 academic year we have 19 students enrolled:
•    15 in first year
•    4 in second year
•    5 in third year

List of PhD students and their research topics (”doctoranzi” section).


UBB Regulation regarding the doctoral program

Doctoral School of Sociology Regulation

Guide to writing the doctoral thesis

Decision regarding European Doctorate

UBB Regulation regarding habilitation process and accepting new members

Decision regarding access to the doctoral grant supporting memorandum model Ist year, supporting memorandum model IInd and IIIrd year

Purchase requisition for materials

Purchase requisition for domestic travels

Doctoral grant settlement procedure

Plagiarism regulation

Strategy for preventing and combating the phenomenon of plagiarism at Babeș-Bolyai University

Admission regulation

Methodology on the similarity analysis on doctoral theses using Turnitin software

Artificial Intelligence in Academic Writing. BBU Science Council point of view

Minimal standards regarding the PhD title

CSUD recommendation regarding online support for doctoral students in conflict situations

ORDER No. 5110/2018 September 17, 2018

Minimum national standards

In order to be awarded the title of doctor, it is necessary to meet the following minimum standards:

1. the publication of at least two articles in journals indexed in international databases (BDI) or at least two book chapters in volumes published by a A1 publishing house (publishing houses with international prestige) or A2 (publishing houses with recognized prestige), as per annex no. 25 to the Order of the Minister of National Education and Scientific Research no. 6.129/2016 regarding the approval of the minimum necessary and mandatory standards for the awarding of teaching titles in higher education, professional degrees in research and development, the quality of doctoral supervisor and the qualification certificate;

2. the recognized international databases (BDI) are: ISI Web of Science, SCOPUS, EBSCO, ProQuest, CEEOL, Ulrich, ERIH, Index Copernicus, CSA, GESIS, IBSS, SAGE, OVID, ECOLIT, Psychlit, PubMEd, Elsevier, Springerlink, Persee, DOAJ, Jstor, SSRN, REPEC, Informa, Project MUSE and HEIN Online.

Your scientific activity, including the fulfilment of minimum standards, is mandatory to report in the system of the Babeș-Bolyai University, Management of the academic/scientific activity of UBB, accessible at the following link: https://infocercetare.ubbcluj.ro/Account/ResetareCont

Regulations – authorization and co-optation of new members:

Guidelines for the elaboration of the habilitation thesis

Decision Babeş-Bolyai University Regulation regarding the public defence of habilitation theses and the co-optation of doctoral supervisors

Decision on the implementation of the System of flexible academic career trajectories for the 2016-2017 academic year

Regulation for doctoral studies

Forms and templates from ISD can be found at the following link: https://doctorat.ubbcluj.ro/eng/forms/ 

The IDS site is a useful resource for students and researchers interested in the Ph.D. program at the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca. It provides easy access to the forms needed to complete the Ph.D. program. The site provides the necessary forms for the enrollment process and for conducting doctoral studies. The site contains forms for the different stages of the Ph.D. program, such as admission registration, confirmation of enrollment in the program, submission of the Ph.D. thesis, application for enrollment for the Ph.D. defense, and many more.

Admission is organized by the Institute for Doctoral Studies. Information may be found here.

prof. dr. Dégi László Csaba
Director Doctoral School of Sociology
dr. Veronica Savu
Secretary Doctoral School of Sociology

telephone: 0752552295

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Faculty of Sociology and Social Work